What is the Medical Channel Network?

The private broadcasts are a visual display of medical information often found in medical journals and publications that networks and engages peer-to-peer professional knowledge and current events. All programming is provided through and associated with medical centers or hospital groups that become Network Distributors.

Why is it private?

The privacy provides Network Distributors controlled communications without third-party or competitive interference to all associated hospitals and employees within their group. Providing secure internal messaging and emergency warnings is not possible with other standardized public systems.

Where does the programming content come from?

Content is a collective effort from many medical professionals associated with a professional medical organization.

Who has access to the content?

All hospitals associated with organizations that adopt the system. All medical professionals associated with a medical organization. Medical Channel Network can not be accessed by a general audience.

Who can watch the content on a mobile device?

Medical professionals with an email associated with a medical organization can sign in for membership viewing. The system provides free and premium services to all members. No purchase required for most viewing. Available for mobile download at google play and apple store and accessible by desktop at the M-ch portal.

What are premium mobile services?

Premium services include access to live surgeries and podcasts, purchase discounts and awards, preference viewing, and conference and travel coupons.

What does it cost to become a Network Distributor?

A rate card can be provided by making contact. Only those associated with a medical center or a hospital group can receive a rate card. Contact us for more information.

How do I become a content provider?

Hospitals, physicians, nurses, and many other healthcare professionals can be program content providers. Contact us or and we will provide further information. Membership is required.

What is a private emergency broadcast system?

Timely communication that warns members of danger directly associated within a medical center’s geographic area. It helps prevent potential casualties and fatalities caused by natural disasters, active shooters, and other emergency situations.

Is there a need for a warning system?

There is growing violence in today’s social environment and hospitals and other medical facilities are subject to active shooter events and other forms of aggressive behaviors within a facility. The private emergency warning system is a must for today’s uncertain environment and is a form of insurance to help reduce casualties and loss of life.

How do I become a sponsor?

There are many program sponsorships types available. Please review the sponsorship page for more information and details.

How do I become a vendor?

Vendors can provide products and services in the resource center and must submit a vendor form for approval.